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I read the entire dictionary, but not one word can describe how i feels.
Me, always.


"i want to be remembered as the girl who always smile even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day, even if she couldn't brighten her own."

Love, Vanoraa NaughtyBookworm.

P.S. I Love You.


Sometimes there's only one thing left to say.

Tell me something sweet to get me by.

Let's RUNAWAY forever.

abg johnny. afiq. al. alvin(sma). amalia. amalina bunnie. asmida. atiee. atyqah(TwinB). ayeesha. ayie. azlin. azuu. chafeka. charmaine. dayah(Berry). kak diana. dinah(Cousin). di(Cupcakes). eff. effa. elyne. ernie. erny. erricca. eunice. kak fad. fahmi(SP). faizah. fana(Gadiskamera). fara. farah(WSJR). farah(TwinA). farah. farhana(TwinA). fatin. fatinnurtiara. fazlina. fildza. fyra. hafirah. hakim. hani. hashilah. hasina. huii. ian. idahtoot. ik4. ikhtiar. iswandy. jaliza. jane. janice. juniTATA. kai yan. katek. ken. kerwin. khadijah. khaty. kiki. laney. linda. liza. lynn(Cousin). mary. masidayu. meow. mira. kak mysarah. munnie. naddy. nadzihar. naqiah. nas. nassy. nisa. nurul. nurulaini. kak op. paula. ramija. ratna. raudhah. razali. rebecca. reen. reyza. kak ria. riffy. kak rynn. sam. sann. sery. shakz(Cousin). shazlyn. shazrul. shila. shu. siti zuhailah. soefie. sue. sufiyana. sulastri. syahira. syiqah(TwinB). syirah. wajihah. wintz(Cousin). yaniee. yewting. yvonn. zaffy. ziel. zul(Aweng). zulqarnain.

Tell me i'm worth it.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

And so, I'm back to do the usuals. Daily rants.

The past months were hectic. I don't really enjoy the roller coaster rides of my life. Repeated incidents and such. But Alhamdulillah, things are falling back onto places. Just like how I want it to be.

Currently, I'm at work. Yes, I'm working temporary over at JobsDB (JTC Summit). If you're wondering why am I even working temporary when I've graduated long time ago... Reason being, I'm so not ready to have a proper and stable job yet. I'm not keen in working under the same line as what I've studied for the past 34 years in Singapore Poly. Regretted much of taking DCSE when I could have actually go for Interior Design or Architecture. Even friends and lecturers agreed.

Im thinking of switching to something else if (InsyaAllah) I'm furthering my studies for Degree. I can't afford to continue doing what I'm not pretty much interested in. Or at least, something under the same school; that is School of Architecture and Built Environment. Pretty much interested with Interior Designing. But at the same time, I'm thinking of doing Mathematics or Teaching. Yes, NIE. Yes, I wanna be a Teacher.

You can laugh all you want. Not surprised though. I've faced different comments and facial expressions. Comments such as,

'OMG. Your students will definitely be corrupted like you'

'Are you serious?! Don't try to be funny Naqq'

'HUH?! WHAT?!'

And the best I received was from, my all time favourite Form Teacher,
'You can be a Teacher. I'm very sure you can. And don't be surprised if the students treated you like how you treated me'.

I denied. I knew all along during my secondary school days, I'm one of the decent ones. HEHS-

Alright fine. Mcm paham!

You don't need to tell me how bad I am cos I know myself way much better than you do. But I'm very sure with my passion to teach, I can excel (and so will the kids). Aisehhhh.....

I can't afford to stay here at JobsDB for long. I might just call schools since my application for Relief Teaching was successful. The problem with me is that, I love to procrastinate. Disclipine. Discipline. Discipline!

And eversince I started working, all that is important to me is my BeautySleep. Nothing new? Indeed. Waking up to doing the same routine does not even exist in my journal/organiser. 9-6pm. And train rides to and fro is forever hell.

'Train is coming... Train is coming... Starts queuing. Loveeeeeeeeeee your ride!'

It irritates me some time. Incident of my butt being squashed by the train door is *Ouch* but funny. Not only that, smelly armpits/body odours and body-to-body contact is making me feel that I should really enrol for my Class 3A. Yes, 3A and not 3. Auto cars are definitely easy to drive though they said it's difficult to pass (TP).

Anywoos, I met up with my ABC Summergirls after work on Wednesday. The last we met was last year, July. Imagine that! So, we did lotsa catch ups and as usual, what's girls affair without taking any pictures. We took Neoprints! NEOPRINTS! And we went gugu-gaga over it. Hahs-

(better known as A)

(better known as B)

Thanks ABC SUMMERGIRLS for the awesome night. C loves you both so much!

And soo.... Like finally, the weekends are here! Can't wait for tomorrow since I have dates with the ghosts over at Night Safari. Halloween Halloween. No idea where I'll be partying for Halloween night itself. But beloved cousins and I have decided to head to Batam to visit our dearest uncle who is getting married and then probably party-party there. On the other hand, my sec sch classmates have already booked a pit at East Coast. How now brown cow?

Done for now.

Have a great day and enjoy the weekends!
you, always. 2:09 PM